We have been receiving several inquiries from our users reporting that the cryptocurrencies sent from exchanges do not reflect in Ginco’s balance. Here are a few examples of possible causes and what to do in case you are experiencing similar issues.
Ginco displays the current status of the transactions between three status: “Pending”, “Processing”, and “Confirmed”.
By checking the “Recent Transactions” section, you could check the status of your latest transactions.
When your balance does not change after sending funds from exchanges to Ginco
If your transaction is not displayed in the “Recent Transactions” section
In this case, there is a possibility that the sending transaction has not been processed yet within the exchange. The possible cause might be the following:
・A congestion of the transactions is occurring in exchanges and you need to wait until they are processed
・Some exchanges require to verify transactions from your email, and you have forgotten to check it
・You have mistaken your address
Here are just several examples. Please note that there could be other causes of unsent transactions. For the latest information of your transaction status, please send direct inquiries to the exchange.
If the transaction status is displayed in your Ginco’s “Recent Transactions” section
In case the transaction is displaying “Pending” or “Processing” for over several days, or in case it says “Confirmed” but the balance is not displayed correctly in your Ginco, please
send us an inquiry for support. When sending an inquiry, please provide us your reference No., the date of the transaction, and an amount you have sent to Ginco.
Ginco support team
Unfortunately, at the moment, we can provide our support only in Japanese at the moment.
When you have sent your funds from Ginco to exchange, but the balance in exchange has not been updated
If the transaction status in your “Recent Transactions” shows “Confirmed”
In this case, the transaction is completed and already sent to the destination. If the balance is not reflecting at your destination, please make an inquiry to your exchange/wallets you have sent to.
If the “Recent Transactions” section is not changing from “Pending/Processing”
In case the transaction is displaying “Pending” or “Processing” for over several days, or in case it says “Confirmed” but the balance is not displayed correctly in your Ginco, please send us an inquiry for support. When sending an inquiry, please provide us your reference No., the date of the transaction, and an amount you have sent to Ginco.
Ginco support team
Unfortunately, at the moment, we can provide our support only in Japanese at the moment.
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