Thank you for using Ginco.
Zilliqa has launched their mainnet and they are undergoing procedures to transferring their tokens from Ethereum blockchain to the mainnet. Since ERC20 ZIL token would be unavailable, Ginco is end our support to ERC20 ZIL token.
Please read the following description for further guidance.
Hereafter, we will write ZIL(ERC20) and ZIL(Mainnet) to distinguish these tokens.
About our support
In order to prevent mistakes, in iOS v.2.3.5 ,Android v.0.9.9 which is released July 25th, we ending our support to the ZIL(ERC20).
Please note that our supporting date for the ZIL(mainnet) is yet to be determined at the moment.
Support ending date
July 25th, 2019
Please learn more about token swap from here:
Thank you.
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